USA, New Zeland; 169min
Adventure, Fantasy
Director: Peter Jackson
Writers: Fran Walsh, J. R. R. Tolkien (The Hobbit)
Stars: Martin Freeman, Ian McKellen, Richard Armitage
The perfect visual impression, excellent music and great scenery are
fully anticipated positives of the last Jackson's movie adaptation of
Tolkien's works, but that is, more or less, where the positives stop.
After a slow and uninteresting, but visually and emotionally nice beginning, in which we see how and why did dwarfs went on their journey and how Bilbo ends up with them, story evolves in even more slower and not too interesting bunch of relatively unconnected adventures. Book intended to be children story and this movie as children movie would be great, but Jackosn's too serious and too dark approach, like one in Lord of the Rings which are more darker stories, made most of the movie torn between something like half comedy children story and dark and strong wannabe Lord of the Rings story.
After a slow and uninteresting, but visually and emotionally nice beginning, in which we see how and why did dwarfs went on their journey and how Bilbo ends up with them, story evolves in even more slower and not too interesting bunch of relatively unconnected adventures. Book intended to be children story and this movie as children movie would be great, but Jackosn's too serious and too dark approach, like one in Lord of the Rings which are more darker stories, made most of the movie torn between something like half comedy children story and dark and strong wannabe Lord of the Rings story.
Indestructibility of
group of dwarfs is also terribly unserious even despite it is a fantasy
film. Forest wizard with sleighs which are driven by big rabbits and
big thick goblins who perform strongly and fall from one touch while telling a
joke, just aren't characters for the movie Jackson wanted to made. There is also too often use of
deus ex machina which is making the movie even less serious. Comedy sequences are great and very funny and they even fit in dark atmosphere, but basically they are just one more element which is making this story childish.
A lot of attention was given to unimportant dialogues and scenes while many details are left vaguely, as eagles that help only partially, Saruman and Elvish opposition to return of dwarves, Gandalf power in a one and weakness in other situations, and even the choice of Bilbo.
A lot of attention was given to unimportant dialogues and scenes while many details are left vaguely, as eagles that help only partially, Saruman and Elvish opposition to return of dwarves, Gandalf power in a one and weakness in other situations, and even the choice of Bilbo.
While the CGI scenes were done almost perfectly, the one without it look amateurish. Camera often hides more than shows, and type of filming dialogues is like one in the soap operas. These were a huge disappointments. On the other hand, acting deserves applause, although not too big.
Too serious and dark approached in screening of novel which just isn't nor serious nor dark is a fundamental mistake. Despite
big backlog when compered with first trilogy, The Hobbit, if anything else, brings beautiful visualization and solid entertainment.
vizualni dojam, te izvrsna glazba i scenografija su potpuno očekivane
prednosti posljednje Jacksonove ekranizacije Tolkienovog djela, ali tu
se više manje s prednostima može i stati.
sporog i nezanimljivog, ali lijepog početka, kreće još sporija i ne
pretjerano zanimljiva radnja koja djeluje kao hrpa kratkih relativno
nepovezanih pričica i dogodovština za djecu, te bi kao dječji film
funkcionirao izvrsno, kao što je i knjiga zamišljena. Neuništivost
skupine patuljaka je također strašno preneozbiljna pa i unatoč tome što
je to fantasy film, te se uz likove sa šumskim saonicama koje voze
veliki zečevi i velikim debelim goblinima koji snažno nastupaju pa
padaju od jednog dodira uz šalu ne može ići na mračni skoro pa triler.
Prečesto korištenje deus ex machine i konstantna patetika uzrokuju
svojevrsnu odbojnost i gorčinu, ali humoristične sekvence lijepo prijaju
i izvrsno su ubačene.
se pažnje pridonjelo nebitnim dijalozima i scenama dok su mnoge
pojedinosti ostavljene poprilično nejasne poput spasonosnih orlova koji
pomažu samo djelomično, Sarumanovo i vilenjačko protivljenje povratku
patuljaka, Gandalfova moć u jednim i nemoć u drugim situacijama, pa čak i
sam izbor Bilba.
Dok su
scene kojima dominira CGI režiserski odrađene izvrsno, one odrađene
klasično djeluju amaterski. Rad kamere koji više skriva nego pokazuje,
te način snimanja dijaloga poput onog u sapunicama je veliko razočarenje
iako je sama gluma na visokom nivou. Također trolovi kojima nestaju
velike ozlijede, orci koji lete metrima u dalj kad na njih skoči hobit
isl. lako upadaju u oči.
i mračno se pristupilo ekranziaciji književnog djela koje jednostavno
takvo nije. Unatoč povećem zaostatku za prvom triologijom The Hobbit ako
ništa drugo donosi stvarno prekrasnu vizualizaciju i solidnu zabavu.
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