nedjelja, 10. veljače 2013.

71: Into the Fire/Pohwasogeuro (2010)

South Korea; 120min
Director John H. Lee
Writers: Man-Hee Lee, Dong-Woo Kim
Stars: Seung Hyun Choi, Seung-won Cha, Sang-woo Kwone

The true story, directed by John H. Lee (A Moment to Remember) about South Korean student unit of 71 soldiers who was left to defend the girls middle school during the Battle of Pohang during the peek of North Korea's invasion of South in 1950. That 71 students defended that position for 11 hours against a North Korean army brigade and the film was inspired by the letters of one of that soldiers. Out of 71 members of the unit, only three had combat experience, while others have not undergone any training before the battle, which makes their resistance unbelievable.
 The story focuses on two soldiers, Oh Jung-Bum, frightened and lost commander of the unit who only got the position because of his experience that was minimal, and Ku Kap-Jo, convicted of murder who enlisted in the Army to avoid jail. A good part of the story rests on their conflict and on development of their relationship as well as their relationship with the rest of the unit.
Character development is uncommonly done. Oh Jung-Bum changes from a scared kid who couldn't even shot from the gun to brave commander absurdly fast, while Ku Kap-Jo's path is approximately opposite and just as fast, if not faster. In this context, we can mention the North Korean captain Park Mu-Rang which is extremely difficult to characterize as he's almost like another character in almost every scene, while only he's egotism stays.
Performance is standard Asian, full of melodrama, highlighting the pride and courage, and a somewhat caricature acting that is pretty solid here. Cha Seung-won is far form beeing brilliant in lead role of Oh Jung-Bum, almost completely without emotions, as if he was forced to act in this movie. The rest of the acting team did a solid job. 
The pace of storytelling is perfect, not one scene is redundant, although movie could work withouthumorous parts they deliver, alongside humor, additional characterization of the characters. It's a simple, dynamic story with which time goes by quickly. There's no objections to the visual part of the film. A solid budget of 10mil dollars was well used, the effects look almost authentic. Final battle looks really impressive, although it can not be overlooked that it was somewhat idealized.
Film lacks historical context which is not surprising given that, as usually happens with Far Eastern cinema, it's made for their market so they didn't feel like it's necessarily to explain situation, but however, it does not affect much on the experience of the film since the theme is universal, and 71: Into the Fire is one of the better war movies lately.

Istinita priča u režiji John H. Leea (A Moment to Remember) o učeničkoj Južnokorejskoj jedinici od 71 učenika koja je bila ostavljena da brani žensku školu tijekom bitke za Pohang u vrijeme vthunca Sjevernokorejske invazije 1950.. Njih 71 je 11h branilo poziciju pod napadom cijele brigade Sjevernokorejske vojske, a film je inspiriran pronađenim pismima jednog od vojnika. Od 71 člana jedinice, samo su trojica imala borbenog iskustva, dok ostali nisu prošli nikakav trening prije bitke, što čini njihov otpor nevjerojatnim.
Priča se fokusira na dva lika Oh Jung-Buma, preplašenog i na početku izgubljenog zapovjednika jedinice, koji je poziciju dobio samo zbog iskustva koje je bilo minimalno, te Ku Kap-Joa, osuđenika za ubojstvo koji se prijavio u vojsku kako bi izbjegao zatvorsku kaznu. Dobar dio priče počiva na njihovom sukobu, te razvoju kako njihovog međusobnog odnosa tako i njihovog odnosa prema ostatku jedinice
Razvoj likova je dosta neobično odrađen. Oh Jung-Bum se apsurdno brzo mijenja od prestrašenog klinca koji ni metak nije mogao u pušku staviti do oštrog i hrabrog zapovijednika, dok je put Ku Kap-Joa otprilike suprotan i jednako brzo, ako ne i brži. U tom kontekstu se može spomenuti i Sjevernokorejski zapovjednik Park Mu-Rang kojeg je izrazito teško karakterizirati s obzirom da je gotovo u svakoj sceni skoro pa drugi lik, jedino je egoizam postojan.
Izvedba je standardno dalekoistočna, puna melodrame, isticanja ponosa i hrabrosti, te donekle karikaturalane glume koja je ovdje solidna. Seung-won Cha u glavnoj ulozi ne briljira, gotovo potpuno bezemocionalan, kao da je prisiljen bio ovo odglumiti. Ostatak ekipe nije razočarao.
Tempo je savršen, ni jedna scena nije viška, makar bi se možda moglo bez humorističnih dijelova oni uz humor donose i dodatnu karakterizaciju likova. Jednostavna i dinamična priča uz koju vrijeme brzo prođe. Na vizualni dio filma nema zamjerke. Solidan budžet od 10mil dolara se kvalitetno iskoristio, efekti djeluju gotovo autentično. Završna borba djeluje poprilično impresivno iako se ne smije zanemariti da je idealizirana.
Filmu fali povijesni kontekst što nije iznenađujuće s obzirom da je, kako to obično i biva sa dalekoistočnom kinematografijom, rađen za njihovo tržište, ali ne utječe puno na doživljaj filma, jer tematika je ipak univerzalna, a 71: Into the Fire je jedan od boljih ratnih filmova u zadnje vrijeme.

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