USA; 162min
Action, Mystery, Sci-Fi
Director: Zack Snyder
Writers: David Hayter, Alan Moore (graphic novel)
Stars: Jackie Earle Hale, Patrick Wilson, Carla Gugino
In flood of graphic novel adaptations in last ten years, a few of them are so successful as Watchmen. Of course, there is a lot of flaws and mistakes, especially when compared with original novel which is impossible to completely transfer into 162min long movie. But looking at it as a separate movie it's definitely a success and that can't be said for most of other graphic novel adaptation.
The story is set in United States in 1985. The Cold War is still in force and the fear of nuclear war between two superpowers is omnipresent. Murder of a member of, retired and forbidden, masked vigilante group, the Comedian (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) causes their reunion
and panics Rorschach (Jackie Earle Haley) who decides to investigate the
case with later help of fellow ex-vigilante Nite Owla (Patrick Wilson) and
Silk Spectre II (Malin Akerman). The
last two members of Watchmen are, Dr. Manhattan (Billy Crudup), a scientist
who had an accident during one of experiments and is only one with inhuman abilities
but is more and more separated from human civilization, and Ozymandias
(Matthew Goode), who is know as the smartest man in the world. The
two of them work together to create an unlimited source of energy,
which would prevent all major conflicts in world. Two of them are also
only ones who have uncovered their true identity.
With the investigation into of Comedians murder, movie shows history of masked vigilantes, part of every characters past, their present relationships (especially the one of Dr. Manhattan and Silk Spectre II) and the situation in the world permeated with the fear of nuclear war.
Unlike most comic book adaptation Watchmen cast is relatively unknown, and with it also unsatisfactory. The only one who stands out positively is Jackie Earle Haley in the role of Rorschach, while the others, with the possible exception of Jeffrey Dean Morgan, merged into mediocrity or like Patrick Wilson (Nite Owl) completely failed.
Rorschach is also by far the most elaborated character, which probably helped Haley in his performance. Paradox of his impression as inhuman villain when in fact he is the most human and the most positive character of them all is phenomenal. Also his always moving mask is one of the most interesting masks ever. Others leave an tasteless impression, with the week exception of Dr. Manhattan who is very complex and interesting character but introduced to us very hastily. Nite Owl and Sil Spectre are examples of badly, almost non characterized characters while the viewers who haven't read graphic novel and have slightly lower concentration will not understand who Ozymadias is until the very end.
This problem only arises because of lack of time. The story is multi-layered and complex, with few main characters and it just don't fit into one movie, even in nearly three hours long. Therefore, much of the film seems disjointed and by far the most suffering part are characters whose decisions are almost impossible to understand. But there is also the Ultimate Cut version of the film, with nearly an hour more of material in which, hopefully, are at least some of these problems fixed.
There are almost no major visual flaws except some poor CGI in some scenes with Dr. Manhattan, but it is generally negligible. Movie is visually very close to the graphic novel with few almost identical shots. Also the atmosphere is great. Despite the aforementioned problems of the lack of time that had led to poor characterization and half-cocked transfer of original story, Watchmen is very entertaining and interesting film that touches some serious topics. Nearly three hours flew very fast and it makes you think at least a little bit after watching it.
U poplavi stripskih adaptacija koja se odvija u posljednje vrijeme, rijetko koja je toliko uspješna kao Watchmen. Naravno, dosta je tu propusta i grešaka, posebno pri usporedbi sa stripom kojega je u 162min nemoguće potpuno dočarati. No, gledano kao zaseban film nikako nije promašaj što se ne može reći za velik broj drugih stripskih adaptacija.
Taj problem isključivo proizlazi iz nedostatka vremena. Priča je slojevita i kompleksna sa više bitnih likova i nikako ne stane u jedan film, pa ni u ovaj od skoro tri sata. Zbog toga dobar dio filma izgleda ishitreno i nepovezano, a daleko najviše pate likovi, čije odluke je gotovo nemoguće razumijeti. No, postoji i Ultimate Cut verzija filma, sa skoro sat vremena više materijala i u kojoj je, nadam se, barem dio ovih problema ne dolazi do izražaja.
Vizualno gotovo da i nema većih mana izuzev nešto slabijeg CGI-a u nekim scenama s Dr. Manhattnom, no i to je u globalu zanemarivo, te je vizualno jako blizu samom stripu, uz više identičnih kadrova, a to vrijedi i za cjelokupnu atmosferu. Unatoč ranije spomenutom problemu nedostatka vremena koji je doveo do slabe karakterizacije likova i brzopletog prijenosa priče Watchmen je iznimno zabavan i zanimljiv film koji skreće i u više ozbiljnijih tema. Skoro tri sata uz njega proleti iznimno brzo, a i potjera bar na malo razmišljanja nakon gledanja.
In flood of graphic novel adaptations in last ten years, a few of them are so successful as Watchmen. Of course, there is a lot of flaws and mistakes, especially when compared with original novel which is impossible to completely transfer into 162min long movie. But looking at it as a separate movie it's definitely a success and that can't be said for most of other graphic novel adaptation.

With the investigation into of Comedians murder, movie shows history of masked vigilantes, part of every characters past, their present relationships (especially the one of Dr. Manhattan and Silk Spectre II) and the situation in the world permeated with the fear of nuclear war.
Unlike most comic book adaptation Watchmen cast is relatively unknown, and with it also unsatisfactory. The only one who stands out positively is Jackie Earle Haley in the role of Rorschach, while the others, with the possible exception of Jeffrey Dean Morgan, merged into mediocrity or like Patrick Wilson (Nite Owl) completely failed.
Rorschach is also by far the most elaborated character, which probably helped Haley in his performance. Paradox of his impression as inhuman villain when in fact he is the most human and the most positive character of them all is phenomenal. Also his always moving mask is one of the most interesting masks ever. Others leave an tasteless impression, with the week exception of Dr. Manhattan who is very complex and interesting character but introduced to us very hastily. Nite Owl and Sil Spectre are examples of badly, almost non characterized characters while the viewers who haven't read graphic novel and have slightly lower concentration will not understand who Ozymadias is until the very end.
This problem only arises because of lack of time. The story is multi-layered and complex, with few main characters and it just don't fit into one movie, even in nearly three hours long. Therefore, much of the film seems disjointed and by far the most suffering part are characters whose decisions are almost impossible to understand. But there is also the Ultimate Cut version of the film, with nearly an hour more of material in which, hopefully, are at least some of these problems fixed.
There are almost no major visual flaws except some poor CGI in some scenes with Dr. Manhattan, but it is generally negligible. Movie is visually very close to the graphic novel with few almost identical shots. Also the atmosphere is great. Despite the aforementioned problems of the lack of time that had led to poor characterization and half-cocked transfer of original story, Watchmen is very entertaining and interesting film that touches some serious topics. Nearly three hours flew very fast and it makes you think at least a little bit after watching it.
U poplavi stripskih adaptacija koja se odvija u posljednje vrijeme, rijetko koja je toliko uspješna kao Watchmen. Naravno, dosta je tu propusta i grešaka, posebno pri usporedbi sa stripom kojega je u 162min nemoguće potpuno dočarati. No, gledano kao zaseban film nikako nije promašaj što se ne može reći za velik broj drugih stripskih adaptacija.
Radnja je smiještena u SAD-u 1985.. Hladni rat je još na snazi i strah od nuklearnog rata dvije supersile je sveprisutan. Ubojstvo jednog od pripadnika, već dugo umirovljenih i zabranjenih, maskiranih osvetnika, Comediana (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) izazove njihov ponovni susret, te uspaniči Rorschacha (Jackie Earle Haley) koji odlučuje slučaj podrobnije istražiti uz pomoć kolega
Nite Owla (Patrick Wilson) i Silk Spectre II (Malin Akerman). Posljednja dva člana Watchmena su
Dr. Manhattan (Billy Crudup), znanstvenik koji prilikom eskperimenta doživi nesreću te jedini ima neljudske sposobnosti, ali se i sve više odvaja od ljudske civilizacije, i
Ozymandias (Matthew Goode), koji slovi za najpametnijeg čovjeka na svijetu. Njih dvojica surađuju na stvaranju neograničenog izvora energije, koji bi po njima spriječio sve veće sukobe, te su njih dvojica također jedini koji su otkrili svoj pravi identitet.Uz istragu Comedianova ubojstva, priča prati i povijest maskiranih osvetnika, njihove pojedinačne prošlosti,sadašnje odnose (posebno onaj Dr. Manhattna i Silk Spectre II), te situaciju u svijetu koji strahuje od nuklearnog rata.

Za razliku od većine adaptacija stripova glumačka postava Watchmena je relativno nepoznata, a uz to i nezadovoljavajuća. Jedini koji se pozitivno ističe je Jackie Earle Haley u ulozi Rorschacha, dok su se ostali, uz eventualni izuzetak Jeffrey Dean Morgana, stopili u glumačku prosječnost ili pak poput Patricka Wilson (Nite Owl) potpuno podbacili.
Rorschach je također i daleko najrazrađeniji lik, što je vjerojatno i pomoglo Haleyu u izvedbi. Fenomenalan je paradoks njegovog dojma kao nehumanog negativca dok je zapravo najčovječniji i najpozitivniji lik, a njegova maska je definitivno jedna od najzanimljivijih. Ostali ostavljaju bljutav dojam, uz slab izuzetak Dr. Manhattna koji je kao izuzetno kompleksan lik brzopleto i šturo predstavljen. Nite Owl i Sil Spectre su primjer nekarakterizacije likova na gotovo svakoj razini, dok u strip ne upućeni gledatelji sa malo lošijom koncentracijom do samog kraja neće ni shvatiti tko je Ozymadias.
Vizualno gotovo da i nema većih mana izuzev nešto slabijeg CGI-a u nekim scenama s Dr. Manhattnom, no i to je u globalu zanemarivo, te je vizualno jako blizu samom stripu, uz više identičnih kadrova, a to vrijedi i za cjelokupnu atmosferu. Unatoč ranije spomenutom problemu nedostatka vremena koji je doveo do slabe karakterizacije likova i brzopletog prijenosa priče Watchmen je iznimno zabavan i zanimljiv film koji skreće i u više ozbiljnijih tema. Skoro tri sata uz njega proleti iznimno brzo, a i potjera bar na malo razmišljanja nakon gledanja.
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