USA, UK; 117min
Crime, Drama
Director: Joel Coen
Writer:Ethan Coen, Joel Coen
Stars: William H. Macy, Frances McDormand, Steve Buscemi
Lundegaard (William H. Macy) is a car salesman who is convinced that he has a brilliant business plan that will ensure the life of his family, but
there is one problem, he needs $ 750,000 that he, of course dosn't have. His
wealthy father-in-law has repeatedly refused to help him so Jerry hatches
an ingenious plan of kidnapping his own wife, after which he would be richer
by $ 960,000 ransom which will be paid by his father-in-law and the kidnappers will get $
40,000 and a new car that he stole from his own company, while kidnappers (Steve Buscemi and Peter Stormare) are convinced that the total ransom is $ 80.000 and that they are sharing half of profit with Jerry.
So, Jerry thought that plan, which includes kidnapping of his wife (which should be done by people unknown to him), car theft in the company he works for, extorting ransom from his father in law, fraud of kidnappers and if all goes according to plan the purchase of a large plot for $ 750.000 dollars and opening a parking is ingenious. But it all went wrong when shortly after making a deal with kidnappers he decided to give up from his plan but could not make a contact with the kidnappers who needed minimum time to turn this easy job into chaos.
On the other hand we have Marge Gunderson (Frances McDormand), who as head of the district police department is investigating murders that lead her to Jerry and kidnappers. Marge is pregnant, sweet, intelligent and capable police officer who represents typical Minnesota resident.
This story about easy non-violent crime that has grown into a bloodbath is presented with a large dose of humor, primarily through caricature characters. Even the description Buscemi's character is funny-looking guy. However, the characters are wonderfully characterized and memorable, just like their dialogues, which are often filmed in one shot what was possible only because of the brilliant acting (especially Frances McDormand, who was also awarded an Oscar for this role) and the phenomenal directing of Joel Coen while his brother Ethan took the role of producer.
Although it was said at the beginning of the movie that it was filmed on a true story that is not true, but just a marketing trick by the Coen brothers. The truth is that almost all the events in the film took place in Minnesota in second half of 20. century but separated and unrelated. Coens collected few bizarre stories and urban legends and incorporated them in Fargo, which has become one of the best films ever made.
Phenomenal photography, soundtrack that is almost perfect for this story, cold and snowy atmosphere that swallows the viewer, memorable characters, powerful dialogues, brilliant directing and superb acting. Simply, every element of this film is excellent.
So, Jerry thought that plan, which includes kidnapping of his wife (which should be done by people unknown to him), car theft in the company he works for, extorting ransom from his father in law, fraud of kidnappers and if all goes according to plan the purchase of a large plot for $ 750.000 dollars and opening a parking is ingenious. But it all went wrong when shortly after making a deal with kidnappers he decided to give up from his plan but could not make a contact with the kidnappers who needed minimum time to turn this easy job into chaos.
On the other hand we have Marge Gunderson (Frances McDormand), who as head of the district police department is investigating murders that lead her to Jerry and kidnappers. Marge is pregnant, sweet, intelligent and capable police officer who represents typical Minnesota resident.
This story about easy non-violent crime that has grown into a bloodbath is presented with a large dose of humor, primarily through caricature characters. Even the description Buscemi's character is funny-looking guy. However, the characters are wonderfully characterized and memorable, just like their dialogues, which are often filmed in one shot what was possible only because of the brilliant acting (especially Frances McDormand, who was also awarded an Oscar for this role) and the phenomenal directing of Joel Coen while his brother Ethan took the role of producer.
Although it was said at the beginning of the movie that it was filmed on a true story that is not true, but just a marketing trick by the Coen brothers. The truth is that almost all the events in the film took place in Minnesota in second half of 20. century but separated and unrelated. Coens collected few bizarre stories and urban legends and incorporated them in Fargo, which has become one of the best films ever made.
Phenomenal photography, soundtrack that is almost perfect for this story, cold and snowy atmosphere that swallows the viewer, memorable characters, powerful dialogues, brilliant directing and superb acting. Simply, every element of this film is excellent.
Jerry Lundegaard (William H. Macy) je prodavač automobila koji je uvjeren da ima genijalan poslovni plan koji će njegovu obitelj doživotno osigurati, ali ima i jedan problem, nema potrebnog novčanog kapitala od 750,000 dolara. Bogati tast mu uporno odbija izači u susret pa Jerry smisli genijalan plan otmice svoje žene nakon koje bi on bio bogatiji za 960,000 dolara otkupnine koju bi platio ženin otac, a otmičari za 40,000 i novi auto koji je ukrao iz vlastite firme. Naravno otmičari (Steve Buscemi i Peter Stormare) će biti uvjereni da je ukupna otkupnina 80,000 i da dobit djele popola.

S druge strane imamo Marge Gunderson (Frances McDormand) koja kao šef okružne policije istražuje ubojstva koja ih dovedu do Jerrya i otmičara. Marge je trudna, draga, pametna i sposobna policajka koja predstavlja tipične stanovnika Minnesote.
Ova priča o laganom nenasilnom zločinu koji je prerastao u krvoproliče Coeni pričaju uz veliku dozu humora, prvenstveno kroz karikaturalne likove. Čak je i sami opis Buscemievog lika funny-looking guy. No, likovi su izvrsno karakterizirani i pamtljivi, kao i njihovi dijalozi, koji su nerijetko snimani u jednom kadru, što je bilo moguće samo zbog genijalne glume (posebice Frances McDormand koja je nagrađena i Oscarom za ovu ulogu) i fenomenalne režije koju je ovdje preuzeo Joel Coen, dok je Ethan preuzeo ulogu producenta.
Ova priča o laganom nenasilnom zločinu koji je prerastao u krvoproliče Coeni pričaju uz veliku dozu humora, prvenstveno kroz karikaturalne likove. Čak je i sami opis Buscemievog lika funny-looking guy. No, likovi su izvrsno karakterizirani i pamtljivi, kao i njihovi dijalozi, koji su nerijetko snimani u jednom kadru, što je bilo moguće samo zbog genijalne glume (posebice Frances McDormand koja je nagrađena i Oscarom za ovu ulogu) i fenomenalne režije koju je ovdje preuzeo Joel Coen, dok je Ethan preuzeo ulogu producenta.
Premda na početku filma piše da je sniman prema istinitom događaju to nije istina već samo marketinški trik braće Coen. Istina je da su se gotovo svi događaji iz filma dogodili u Minnesoti, ali odvojeno i nepovezano. Coenovi su skupili nekoliko bizarnih prića i urbanih legendi i ukomponirali ih u Farga koji je postao jedan od najboljih filmova ikad snimljenih.
Fenomenalna fotografija, za priču gotovo savršen soundtrack, hladna i snježna atmosfera koja vas proguta, likovi koji se zauvijek pamte, snažni dijalozi, genijalna režija i vrhunska gluma. Jednostavno je svaki element filma izvrstan.
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