USA; 94min
Comedy, Drama, Romance
Director: Wes Anderson
Writers: Wes Anderson,
Roman Coppola
Jared Gilman,
Kara Hayward,
Bruce Willis
The latest film by Wes Anderson takes place on little island in New England in 1965. and it doesn't variate much from his earlier work. Roman Coppola helped Anderson with screenwriting and they created main characters, a young couple in love, Sam and Suzy who are embodied by debutants, Jared Gilman and Kara Hayward.
The duo met eachother during the theater show which Sam attended with Scouts while Suzy acted in it. They fall in love at first sight and continued to communicate through letters. After a while they decided to flee and live together in the wild. Sam run away from his Scout camp, and Suzy from her very unhappy parents and without long-term plan they decide to camp. Their
escape is an escape from the people who surrounds them and view them as
problematic outsiders, from the rules that have no sense to them, from routine and
boredom, from childhood.

Of course, the disappearance of two children soon became main event on this small island. Sam's
Scout unit led by Scout Master Ward (Edward Norton) alongside Police Captain Sharp (Bruce Willis) goes in search of the
fugitives. Suzy's parents (Bill Murray
and Frances McDormand) joins the search, mostly with yelling and a bit later Social services joins the story since Sam's foster parents don't want him to come back.
The film is full of interesting and funny situations. Although there is only a few really funny scenes movie easily keeps a smile on viewer's face. Events are shown from perspective of twelve years old, everything is magical and special, but also real. Magical feeling also comes form the use of bright and intense colors. Sometimes movie looks almost like it's animated.
There's no typical modern characterization. Characters are introduced to us fast and within the story. They are, like most of the film, visually very impressive and Moonrise Kingdom is in total one of the most visually powerful films lately. Generally, there are no major critics on Anderson's technical part of work. The story itself is very charming and somewhat allegorical, but nothing special. It's a short view of society and the transition to the puberty on Wes Anderson's way.
The cast is excellent. In addition to the aforementioned Willis, Norton, Murray and McDormand, Harvey Keitel, Bob Balaban and Tilda Swinton appears in minor roles. The main duo, Jared Gilman and Kara Hayward, is difficult to comment because such a performance in almost any other context would deservedly been labeled catastrophic, but given the fact that the characters Sam and Suzy are probably designed like that it's not wrong to call their debuts on the big screen solid. A lot of parallels can be drawn from Moonrise Kingdom and Beasts of the Southern Wild. They deal with a similar topic with Beast being more brutal and with complete mixing fantasy and reality.
Moonrise Kingdom is one of those films that might not be for everyone due to its weirdness, one might say, a typical Wes Anderson films. But who ever try to just enjoy in it will have few good laughs, fun time and ultimately feel good after the movie.

There's no typical modern characterization. Characters are introduced to us fast and within the story. They are, like most of the film, visually very impressive and Moonrise Kingdom is in total one of the most visually powerful films lately. Generally, there are no major critics on Anderson's technical part of work. The story itself is very charming and somewhat allegorical, but nothing special. It's a short view of society and the transition to the puberty on Wes Anderson's way.
The cast is excellent. In addition to the aforementioned Willis, Norton, Murray and McDormand, Harvey Keitel, Bob Balaban and Tilda Swinton appears in minor roles. The main duo, Jared Gilman and Kara Hayward, is difficult to comment because such a performance in almost any other context would deservedly been labeled catastrophic, but given the fact that the characters Sam and Suzy are probably designed like that it's not wrong to call their debuts on the big screen solid. A lot of parallels can be drawn from Moonrise Kingdom and Beasts of the Southern Wild. They deal with a similar topic with Beast being more brutal and with complete mixing fantasy and reality.
Moonrise Kingdom is one of those films that might not be for everyone due to its weirdness, one might say, a typical Wes Anderson films. But who ever try to just enjoy in it will have few good laughs, fun time and ultimately feel good after the movie.
Posljednji film Wesa Andersona smiješten je na otočić u New Englandu 1965. godine i slobodno se može napomenuti da stilski malo odstupa od njegovih dosadašnjih ostvarenja. Andersonu je u scenarističkom dijelu pomogao Roman Coppola, a film za glavne protogoniste ima mladi ljubavni par Sam i Suzy koje u svojim prvijencima utjelovljuju mladi Jared Gilman i Kara Hayward.

Naravno, nestanak dvoje dijece pokrene veliku strku na tom malom otoku. Samova izviđačka jedinica na čelu sa smotanim Scout Master Wardom (Edward Norton) uz policijskog kapetana Sharpa (Bruce Willis) krene u potragu za bjeguncima. U priču se, poprilično agresivno, uključuju Suzyini roditelji (Bill Murray
i Frances McDormand) te nešto kasnije i socijalna služba s obzirom da je Sama posvojitelji ne žele primiti natrag.
Film je prepun zanimljivih i simpatičnih situacija. Premda je malo stvarno humorističnih scena film lako drži osmijeh na gledateljevom licu. Sve djeluje kao viđeno iz perspektive dvanaestogodišnjaka, nekako magično i posebno, ali ipak stvarno. Tome pridonosi i uporaba jarkih i snažnih boja. Na trenutke film izgleda gotovo kao animirani.
Film je prepun zanimljivih i simpatičnih situacija. Premda je malo stvarno humorističnih scena film lako drži osmijeh na gledateljevom licu. Sve djeluje kao viđeno iz perspektive dvanaestogodišnjaka, nekako magično i posebno, ali ipak stvarno. Tome pridonosi i uporaba jarkih i snažnih boja. Na trenutke film izgleda gotovo kao animirani.
Nema tipične moderne karakterizacije likove, već ih upoznajemo na brzinu u hodu i to samo onaj njihov aspekt bitan za priču. Likovi su, kao i većina filma vizualno jako upečatljivi, te je Moonrise Kingdom jedan od vizualno najsnažnijih filmova u zadnje vrijeme. Općenito, nema većih grešaka koje bi se mogle predbaciti Andersonovom tehničkom dijelu posla. Sama priča je simpatična i donekle alegorijska, ali ništa posebno. Dijeluje kao kratko viđenje društva i prijelaza u pubertet iz glave Wesa Andersona. Glumačka postava je izvrsna.
Uz već spomenute Willisa, Nortona, Murraya i McDormand u kraćim ulogama se pojavljuju i Harvey Keitel, Bob Balaban i Tilda Swinton. Glavni dvojac, Jared Gilman i Kara Hayward, je teško komentirati jer takve izvedbe stavljene u gotovo bilo kakav drugi kontekst bi zasluženo bile prozvane katastrofalnim, ali s obzirom na to da su likovi Sama i Suzy vjerojatno tako i osmišljeni nije pogrešno njihove debije na filmskom platnu proglasiti solidnima,. Ni u tom slučaju nisu zadivili jer su onda uloge ipak poprilično glumački nezahtjevne.
Uz već spomenute Willisa, Nortona, Murraya i McDormand u kraćim ulogama se pojavljuju i Harvey Keitel, Bob Balaban i Tilda Swinton. Glavni dvojac, Jared Gilman i Kara Hayward, je teško komentirati jer takve izvedbe stavljene u gotovo bilo kakav drugi kontekst bi zasluženo bile prozvane katastrofalnim, ali s obzirom na to da su likovi Sama i Suzy vjerojatno tako i osmišljeni nije pogrešno njihove debije na filmskom platnu proglasiti solidnima,. Ni u tom slučaju nisu zadivili jer su onda uloge ipak poprilično glumački nezahtjevne.
Dosta se paralela može povući sa Beasts of the Southern Wild koji se bavi sličnom tematikom, samo puno brutalnije i uz potpuno miješanje mašte i stvarnosti. Moonrise Kingdom je jedan od onih filmova koji možda nije za svakoga zbog svoje čudnjikavosti, reklo bi se, tipičan Andersonov. No, tko mu se prepusti nasmijat će se, zabaviti i u konačnici se osječati dobro nakon gledanja.
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