USA; 124min
Crime, Drama, Thriller
Frank Miller,
Robert Rodriguez, Quentin Tarantino
Frank Miller
Stars: Mickey Rourke,
Clive Owen,
Bruce Willis
To call Sin City an adaptation of Miller's graphic novels would be wrong. Sin City is a graphic novel, just the one that moves. Most of the shots are the same as in the novels, characters are almost the same and the atmosphere is identical. It really wouldn't be wrong to say that Sin City is the movie that all comic book lovers were waiting.
film is generaly composed of three novels by Miller: The Hard Goodbye, in
which Marv (Mickey Rourke) goes in search of the murderer of his newfound
love, during which he's crushing everything and everyone in his path, The Big Fat
Kill is showing us relatively independent relationships between Old Town
which is ruled
by prostitutes and the police and mob through the story of Dwight
(Clive Owen) who is trying to stop the bewildering group of policemens
led by Jackie Boy (Benicio Del Toro) who decides to have fun in the Old
Town which is led by Gail (Rosario Dawson), and That Yellow Bastard where cop
Hartigan (Bruce Willis) tries to save the girl Nancy Callahan (Jessica Alba) from a pedophile serial killer Roark Junior (Nick Stahl). All stories are happening in Sin City and all of them have Roark family as the main villains.
It's violent, vulgar and graphic novel-like neo-noir that is if nothing else, really special. It's entirely
filmed in front of a green screen and later edited almost
independently by Robert Rodriguez who even composed music for it. Even though acting is not at the very
top it deserves praise, specialy because of acting infront of green screen which is kinda apstract. Almost all of the actors are excellent and they did great job emboding characters from the graphic novels. Mickey Rourke, who embodies Marv, deservs to be highlited here since he carries most of the action and he does that perfectly.
The stories are quite interesting, and their rotation obtained an additional dynamics that would hardly be achieved with only one, longer, story, and although there is no firm link between them there is no problem moving from one to another.
Sin City is visually very interesting. Fully stylized like graphic novel and dark, with film-noirish contraction of black and white with a rare use of red and yellow. A treat for fans of comics, while others may take some time to get used to the style. Almost everything except the actors and objects that are in direct contact with them is added later just to easily get that graphic novel touch, which largely succeeded.
There's nothing much to talk about. Sin City is a moving neo-noir graphic novel and typical Rodriguez's violent entertainment.
Nazvati Sin City adaptacijom ili ekranizacijom Millerovih stripova bi bilo pogrešno. Sin City je strip, samo pomični. Većina kadrova je identična kao i u originalnim stripovima, likovi minimalno odudaraju, a atmosfera nimalo. Možda bi samo malo pretjerali s izjavom kako je Sin City film kojeg su ljubitelji stripa toliko dugo čekali.
Film je većim dijelom sastavljen od tri Millerova stripa: The Hard Goodbye, u kojem Marv (Mickey Rourke) krene u potragu za ubojicom svoje novopečene ljubavi tijekom koje doslovno gazi sve pred sobom; The Big Fat Kill koji predstavlja odnose relativno samostalne četvrti Old Town kojom vladaju prostitutke i policije i mafije kroz priču o Dwightu (Clive Owen) koji pokušava zaustaviti podivljalu grupu policajaca predvođenu Jackie Boyem (Benicio Del Toro) koja se odluči zabaviti u Old Townu kojeg vodi Gail (Rosario Dawson), te That Yellow Bastard gdje policajac Hartigan (Bruce Willis) pokušava spasiti djevojku Nancy Callahan (Jessica Alba) od pedofilskog serijskog ubojice Roark Juniora (Nick Stahl). Svim pričama je zajedničko mjesto radnje, Sin City, te obitelj Roark kao glavni negativci.
Nasilan, vulgaran i stripovski neo-noir koji je ako ništa drugo poseban. U potpunosti sniman pred zelenim platnom te kasnije dorađen u postprodukciji gotovo samostalno od strane Roberta Rodrigueza, pa iako gluma nije na samom vrhu zaslužuje pohvale i zbog te olakotne okolnosti. Gotovo svi glumci su se izvrsno snašli i poprilično vjerno prenjeli svoje likove iz stripa na film. Ističe se Mickey Rourke u ulozi Marva koji vremenski ima najveću ulogu i nosi većinu radnje.
Same priče su dosta zanimljive, a njihovim izmjenjivanjem se dobiva dodatna dinamika koja bi teško bila postignuta sa samo jednom razduženom pričom te iako nema čvrstih poveznica između njih djeluju kao čvrsta i prirodna cijelina.
Vizualno je film zanimljiv. Potpuno stripovski stiliziran i mračan, sa film-noirovskom kontrakcijom crne i bijele boje uz rijetko korištenje crvene i žute. Poslastica za ljubitelje stripa, dok će drugima možda trebati neko vrijeme za privikavanje na stil. Gotovo sve osim glumaca i predmeta s kojima direktno kontaktiraju je dodano naknadno baš kako bi se što bolje uspio dočarati taj stripovski štih što je uvelike i uspjelo.
Nema se tu što puno pričati. Sin City je stripski stilizirana i tipično Rodriguezovska nasilna zabava.
To call Sin City an adaptation of Miller's graphic novels would be wrong. Sin City is a graphic novel, just the one that moves. Most of the shots are the same as in the novels, characters are almost the same and the atmosphere is identical. It really wouldn't be wrong to say that Sin City is the movie that all comic book lovers were waiting.

The stories are quite interesting, and their rotation obtained an additional dynamics that would hardly be achieved with only one, longer, story, and although there is no firm link between them there is no problem moving from one to another.
Sin City is visually very interesting. Fully stylized like graphic novel and dark, with film-noirish contraction of black and white with a rare use of red and yellow. A treat for fans of comics, while others may take some time to get used to the style. Almost everything except the actors and objects that are in direct contact with them is added later just to easily get that graphic novel touch, which largely succeeded.
There's nothing much to talk about. Sin City is a moving neo-noir graphic novel and typical Rodriguez's violent entertainment.
Nazvati Sin City adaptacijom ili ekranizacijom Millerovih stripova bi bilo pogrešno. Sin City je strip, samo pomični. Većina kadrova je identična kao i u originalnim stripovima, likovi minimalno odudaraju, a atmosfera nimalo. Možda bi samo malo pretjerali s izjavom kako je Sin City film kojeg su ljubitelji stripa toliko dugo čekali.

Nasilan, vulgaran i stripovski neo-noir koji je ako ništa drugo poseban. U potpunosti sniman pred zelenim platnom te kasnije dorađen u postprodukciji gotovo samostalno od strane Roberta Rodrigueza, pa iako gluma nije na samom vrhu zaslužuje pohvale i zbog te olakotne okolnosti. Gotovo svi glumci su se izvrsno snašli i poprilično vjerno prenjeli svoje likove iz stripa na film. Ističe se Mickey Rourke u ulozi Marva koji vremenski ima najveću ulogu i nosi većinu radnje.
Same priče su dosta zanimljive, a njihovim izmjenjivanjem se dobiva dodatna dinamika koja bi teško bila postignuta sa samo jednom razduženom pričom te iako nema čvrstih poveznica između njih djeluju kao čvrsta i prirodna cijelina.
Vizualno je film zanimljiv. Potpuno stripovski stiliziran i mračan, sa film-noirovskom kontrakcijom crne i bijele boje uz rijetko korištenje crvene i žute. Poslastica za ljubitelje stripa, dok će drugima možda trebati neko vrijeme za privikavanje na stil. Gotovo sve osim glumaca i predmeta s kojima direktno kontaktiraju je dodano naknadno baš kako bi se što bolje uspio dočarati taj stripovski štih što je uvelike i uspjelo.
Nema se tu što puno pričati. Sin City je stripski stilizirana i tipično Rodriguezovska nasilna zabava.
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