UK; 101min
Director: Steve McQueen
Writer: Steve McQueen, Abi Morgan
Stars: Michael Fassbender, Carey Mulligan, James Badge
The second film by British filmmaker Steve McQueen, which is in many ways similar to the his first one (Hunger from 2008.). Again
this is an excellent collaboration with Fassbender, again it is a film
with strong dialogues, long takes and an atmosphere that
fully conveys the emotional state of the characters.
Brandon is a New Yorker in the early 30's, he is financially stable, successful in his work and addicted to sex. He dosn't choose time, place or person to fulfill his needs and shame because of that devours him. He lives alone and he hides his problem in his solitude. While in company he leaves the opposite impression so when huge amount of pornography was found on his computer at work, his boss didn't even consider the possibility that that was really his.
Brandon is a New Yorker in the early 30's, he is financially stable, successful in his work and addicted to sex. He dosn't choose time, place or person to fulfill his needs and shame because of that devours him. He lives alone and he hides his problem in his solitude. While in company he leaves the opposite impression so when huge amount of pornography was found on his computer at work, his boss didn't even consider the possibility that that was really his.
Privacy, which he
loves because of his problem, gets interrupted by
his sisters sudden arrival with goal to stay with him, at least temporary, since after breakup with her boyfriend she has no other place to go. His
relationship with her is presented to us even before her arrival in the
form of Brendons persistent refusal to answer the phone because
of which her arrival ended up as sudden for him. This
relationship dosn't looking to move in positive direction even after her arrival. But on the other hand that invasion on Brendons privacy caused the need for change.
Shame is stylistically almost identical to Hunger. It's slow and monotonous as the backbone of the film are long shots of the characters faces with a goal to present the emotional state of characters and long shots of dialogues which are really ingenious. A big amount of viewers will probably find this movie extremely boring and those viewers who look for action and dynamics can freely ignore this film.
Shame is stylistically almost identical to Hunger. It's slow and monotonous as the backbone of the film are long shots of the characters faces with a goal to present the emotional state of characters and long shots of dialogues which are really ingenious. A big amount of viewers will probably find this movie extremely boring and those viewers who look for action and dynamics can freely ignore this film.
Fassbender is great in this demanding role that fully carries
the entire film, and Carey Mulligan, whose choice of roles is definitely
showing hers increasing seriousness as an actress, deserves mention.
Although the topic is quite interesting and somewhat controversial, and the presentation of it is not bad, the overall feeling is far from special. The biggest objection is that the story produce very weak interest among viewers and after getting the point becomes boring. However Shame is an interesting piece of work with excellent acting and great dialogue scenes in just one take which is worth of seeing.
Although the topic is quite interesting and somewhat controversial, and the presentation of it is not bad, the overall feeling is far from special. The biggest objection is that the story produce very weak interest among viewers and after getting the point becomes boring. However Shame is an interesting piece of work with excellent acting and great dialogue scenes in just one take which is worth of seeing.
Drugi film britanskog filmaša Steve McQueena koji je po mnogočemu sličan prvome (Hunger 2008.). Ponovno je to suradnja sa izvrsnim Fassbenderom, ponovno je to film lika sa snažnim dijalozima, dugim kadrovima i atmosferom koja potpuno prenosi emocionalno stanje likova.
Brandon je njujorčanin u ranim 30-im, financijski je stabilan, uspješan u svom poslu i ovisan o seksu. Ne bira previše mjesto, vrijeme ni osobu koja će mu pomoći da se olakša i sram zbog te spoznaje ga proždire. Živi sam i u svojoj samoći skriva svoj problem. U društvu ostavlja toliko suprotan dojam da kad mu na radnom računalu pronađu silnu pornograiju šef, s kojim inače često odlazi u provod, ni ne posumnja da je to zaista njegovo.
Privatnost koju toliko voli i s obzirom na svoj problem treba, prekida njegova sestra iznenadnim dolaskom sa ciljem barem privremenog boravka kod njega jer nakon prekida se dečkom nema gdje drugdje. Njegov odnos sa njom nam je prikazan već i prije njenog dolaska u obliku upornog Brandonovog odbijanja da joj se javi na telefon zbog kojega mu je taj njen dolazak i završio kao iznenadan. Taj odnos ni nakon njenog dolaska ne nailazi na pozitivan pomak, no narušavanje privatnosti uzrokuje potrebe za promjenom.
Shame je stilski gotovo identičan Hungeru. Spor je i monoton i kao glavni oslonac koristi duge kadrove lica likova za dočaravanje emotivnog stanja i duge kadrove dijaloga koji su stvarno genijalni. Vjerojatno ga dobar dio gledatelja smatra iznimno dosadnim, a oni željni akcije i dinamike mogu slobodno zaobići ovaj film.
Michael Fassbender je izvrstan u ovoj dosta zahtjevnoj ulozi koja u potpunosti nosi cijeli film, a i Carey Mulligan, čiji izbor uloga definitivno pokazuje njenu sve veću ozbiljnost kao glumice, zaslužuje spomen.
Iako je tema dosta zanimljiva i donekle kontroverzna, a ni sam način izvedbe nije loš, ostaje ukupni osječaj prosječnosti, a definitivno je najveća zamjerka veoma slab interes koji izaziva kod gledatelja. Ipak Shame je zanimljiv uradak sa vrhunskom glumom i izvrsnim scenama dijaloga u jednom kadru koji se isplati pogledati.
Iako je tema dosta zanimljiva i donekle kontroverzna, a ni sam način izvedbe nije loš, ostaje ukupni osječaj prosječnosti, a definitivno je najveća zamjerka veoma slab interes koji izaziva kod gledatelja. Ipak Shame je zanimljiv uradak sa vrhunskom glumom i izvrsnim scenama dijaloga u jednom kadru koji se isplati pogledati.
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